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All about the RCT
What is RCT?RCT, (full name Root Canal Therapy), also known as endodontics, it is a surgery in dentistry to treat pulp necrosis and tooth root infection. For tooth decay that cannot be repaired by ordinary fillings, root canal therapy can preserve the natural tooth as much as possible, so it is complementary to tooth extraction.Situations that require root canal therapy1. PulpitisThe pulp of the tooth becomes inflamed from a bacterial infection. In the sealed pulp cavity, the pulp is not usually infected by bacteria, but when the tooth is perforated by caries, external bacteria can invade the pulp cavity and infect the pulp.2. Periapical periodontitisAfter the dental pulp is infected with bacteria, the bacteria will invade the alveolar bone through the apical foramen, causing inflammation of the periapical tissue. The infected pulp must be removed before the periapical periodontitis can be cured.3. Pulp exposureFracture or splitting of the crown due to trauma, or abrasion of the deformed central cusp (the conical protrusion at the central fossa on the chewing surface of the tooth), resulting in exposure of the pulp. Once the pulp is exposed, it is about to become infected and a root canal is also required treat.4. Crown restorationIn principle, it is necessary to preserve the living healthy pulp as much as possible, but individual teeth are deviated and twisted, but cannot be corrected due to various reasons, and a full crown restoration is required, which will damage the pulp during tooth preparation. At this time, it is also necessary do root canal therapy.5. Cracked toothThere are cracks in the tooth, which penetrate deep into the pulp cavity, and bacteria enter the pulp, and root canal therapy is also required.6. Special casesSome systemic diseases are not suitable for tooth extraction, but those who need to keep the affected teeth through therapy can also choose root canal therapy.Is root canal therapy really painful?Usually, the nerve of the tooth that needs root canal therapy has been necrotic, so there will be no severe pain during the therapy. If you are more afraid of pain, you can communicate with the doctor for local anesthesia.In addition, root canal therapy requires multiple visits to the doctor. There may be postoperative reactions during the consultation and after surgery, and pain and discomfort may occur, but usually it will pass in about 2-3 days. Swelling or pain occurs only when very few patients respond significantly to the commonly used root canal disinfection drugs in clinical practice.Root canal therapy costIf there are cavities in your oral teeth, but they are not treated in time, this serious cavity may require Root Canal, which is root canal therapy. When an American dentist mentions the word root canal to you, it means that your cavity is already very serious, and you need to go to a dental specialist for root canal therapy.Root canal therapy in the United States is particularly expensive, depending on the location of the caries, the cost of root canal therapy is between $300-800. Of course, if you have a tooth problem, be sure to see a doctor as soon as possible, before it becomes serious enough to require root canal therapy.
How Should We Protect Our Teeth
1. Brush your teeth properlyGet your teeth brushed properly is the very first and an essential step in maintaining oral health. Brush your teeth for about 120 seconds at least two times a day. Use a soft brush and choose a toothpaste according to your preferences that suit your taste. When brushing your teeth, pay attention to the correct brushing techniques to avoid tooth damage. Use better toothbrushes and toothpastes as much as possible. Because a better toothbrush has softer brushing fur which not only can clean our teeth softly, but also does no harm to our weak teeth. And a better toothpaste is filled with effective ingredients that are beneficial for removing the bacteria from our teeth, while the low toothpaste may have the ingredients that are harmful to our health and bodies. One more thing, gently massage your gums while brushing and floss after each brush. 2. Dental FlossAlthough brushing can clean the surface of the teeth, it cannot completely remove food debris near the teeth. Therefore, it is important to floss the teeth after eating. It is said that every dentist uses floss after he or she finishing a meal. Therefore, just mimic what the right people do. But, do be careful when flossing to avoid pulling violently and damaging your gums. If possible, choose a floss stick to make it easier to use and reduce the difficulty of flossing. 3. Eat a balanced dietDiet plays an important role in dental health. Cut down on sugar and fizzy drinks and choose a healthy, balanced diet. Increase intake of foods rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, such as dairy products, nuts, fish, etc. These nutrients contribute to healthy tooth development and strong bones. 4. Control bite forceToo much bite force may cause tooth wear and receding gums. Avoid using teeth to bite hard objects, such as nut shells, ice cubes, etc. If you have problems with occlusal closure, you can consult your oral doctor for corrective methods or occlusal adjustments. 5. Avoid over-clenchingSome people unconsciously bite too much when they are stressed or nervous. This can lead to tooth fatigue and damage. Try to avoid the habit of over-clenching your teeth, and if necessary, try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, musical relaxation, or physical exercise. 6. Clean your teeth regularlyRegular dental cleaning is an important part of keeping oral health. In general, adults should go to the hospital every half a year to have their teeth cleaned. Dental cleaning can remove teeth crud from the surface of the teeth and help preclude the development of oral diseases. Regular dental cleanings also allow dentists to detect and treat potential oral health problems. 7. Stay hydrated at all timesStaying well hydrated helps with oral hygiene and saliva production. Saliva can help neutralize acidic substances, protect the surface of the teeth, and contain some antibacterial power. Therefore, drinking enough water is essential for dental and oral health. To sum up, protecting teeth requires our usual daily attention and careful care. Brushing properly, flossing regularly, keeping a nutritionally balanced diet, controlling bite force, avoiding over-clenching, regular dental cleaning and adequate water intake are all key to protecting healthy teeth. And practice good oral hygiene as much as possible.
Knowledge About Dental Insurance
1. Dental Insurance coverage Different dental insurance plans may provide different range. Generally speaking, dental insurance mainly covers regular inspection, dental cleaning, dental restoration, orthodontics, periodontal treatment and so on. However, it is important to note that some of the more complex treatments, such as dental implants or cosmetic dental restorations, may require additional costs or special insurance plans. 2. Insurance plan fees and reimbursement ratesDental insurance plan fees and redemption rates will differ by insurance company and plan. In general, insurance companies will develop insurance plans based on additional fee and compensation rates. A lower additional fee may mean a lower repayment rate, while a higher additional fee may mean a higher redemption rate. When choosing the right insurance plan for you, you need to consider the cost and repayment ratio, and make decisions based on your dental condition and insurance needs. 3. Deductibles and limits for insurance plansInsurance plans usually set deductibles and limits. The deductible is the amount of expenses that a person needs to pay out of pocket before the insurance company starts repaying them. The limit is the verging amount an insurance plan can compensate for a specific time period or type of treatment. It is important to know the deductibles and limits of your insurance plan so as not to be able to get reasonable redemption in the event of an unexpected situation. 4. Internet providers and freedom of choiceSome insurance plans may require you to choose an Internet dentist you work with in order to receive higher reimbursement rates or other preferential treatment. Other insurance plans may allow you to freely choose any dentist. When choosing an insurance plan, you need to consider whether you want to choose a specific dentist or take advantage of specific online benefits. 5. Waiting period and Pre-authorizationSome dental insurance plans may set a period for you to bide, in which the insurance company does not cover the cost of a particular treatment for a certain period of time after enrollment. In addition, some complex treatments may require pre-authorization from the insurance company to ensure that the treatment meets the requirements of the insurance plan. Understanding the waiting period and pre-authorization rules is important to get the most out of your insurance plan. 6. Annual maximum limit for insurance plansInsurance plans typically set a maximum annual reimbursement maxima, which is the maximum amount of cost that an insurance company can pay in a year. It is important to know the annual maximum extreme of the insurance plan, so that you do not exceed the maxima and cannot continue to be reimbursed. To sum up, dental insurance plays an important role in maintaining dental health and covering the cost of treatment. When choosing the right insurance plan for you, you need to carefully consider factors such as the cost of the insurance plan, reimbursement rates, deductibles, limits, network providers and freedom of choice, waiting periods and pre-authorization, and annual maximum limits. At the same time, check and maintain the insurance plan regularly to ensure that dental insurance can meet your dental health and financial needs. Please consult with the insurance company before purchasing and make an informed decision based on your needs.
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